Sunday, October 16, 2011

Laptop stand

This laptop stand i design by taking care of comfort of  user and safety of laptop.This laptop stand is made up of wood and its foldable and main thig is we can adjust its height acoording to our need

Saturday, October 15, 2011

candle light holder

I designed this candlelight stand under our module of Technical studies in which we were have to made a candle light stand with g.i. sheet and wire............. this product was inspired by Aqua plants....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hanging Light...inspired by Vision theme

This Product is desisigned under module of Sdp.In this module first we have to select any Personality and find out a word which describe his personality.i selected APJ Abdul Kalam....and Man Of Vision for his personality.....than find out form and than decide product and all...............